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  • Is GreyCare just for the elderley?
    No, not at all. We understand there can be confusion on this because of our name, however our name comes from our parent company GreyArmy. So in reality we could simply be called "Care". We provide a number of Home based Support services for the Aged, people with disabilities, and people in rehabilitation. There is no age focus.
  • Are all your support workers old?
    No. While we have some mature workers, we have a number of younger ones too, some even are even recently out of college. We think it's important for us to have a spead of ages so we can best tailor support to our customers preferences. Some younger customers prefer someone similar in age to support them, just as more mature customers often feel most comfortable with more mature support.
  • What types of care do you provide?
    We are a Nationally Accredited NDIS Provider. Our remit covers most supports from Personal Care right through to Home Modification and Maintenance. We also provide a number of In-Home support services across Aged Care and post proceedure rehabiltitaion. Go to our services section on this website for a more detailed list, or call our office on 13 44 13.
  • Where do you provide support?
    We can provide support right across Australia. We are still building our network, so we are on the look out for Support workers across the country too. Our systems and technology are cutting edge and allow us to assist our team to deliver outstanding service to customers regardless of location. If you have a particular need and we don't have someone already available in your area we will find someone quickly to ensure you can live independently in your own home.
  • Do you provide Goverment Funded Support?
    Yes. We are registered to provide support under NDIS in Victoria, and soon in the ACT and South Australia. We are alos awaiting final accrediatation with MyAgedCare. Of course, we can also provide private funded care too. Call us and we can update you on our current position.
  • What if I don't have Goverment Funded Support?
    We can still support you as a private customer. Just call us on 13 44 13 and we can chat through your needs and work out a support plan that best suits you.
  • How do I organise Support?
    Simply call us on 13 44 13 and we can discuss your needs and send someone out to design a support plan just for you.
  • How much does it cost?
    That depends on what support is being provided. If the support is being funded by Goverment assistance there are set rates for all support services. If it's private support the costs vary according to the service. Our pricing is competitve and appropriate to our comittment to quality support.

© GreyCare is a service proudly provided by Grey Army Pty Ltd.

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